Saturday, July 22, 2006


Hwaseong Fortress Cont...

Sam and I felt it was only appropriate to have an "empty water bottle sword fight" down the entire East Gate staircase. We were pretty evenly matched, however Sam managed to disarm me once, and so I have to give the title of "grand champion" to him.

This is a shot we took after walking down the steps from the "Namporu" lookout...soldiers would hide in the pavilion (you can see the roof of it at the middle of the top of this picture) and watch for enemies.

This is Sam, exhausted, after we climbed about a million stairs to get to this point (you can sort of see the city sky line in the background to get an idea of how high we were). We figured this little marker was either the grave stone of a fellow tourist who actually died from the climb, or an invitation to rest in Korean.

This is Sam on one of the many lookouts...searching the fort perimeter for enemies. You'll be happy to know that none were spotted while he was on watch.

Ok, I know I'm tall, but come on...this door is tiny!!! Sam and I felt like we were taping an episode of "Big People, Little World"!!!

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